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Deluge client leaks hack download

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One is about 8chan getting kicked off its previous provider and mentions them moving to Epik (it appears to be the same article as my ), but the comments mostly does not talk about Epik.

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The front page of that search result has 5 other stories that are not just incorrectly matching on the word "Epic" or companies named "Epic", one of which is about Epik's "forever domains" service and got 3 points and 2 comments. HN search provides a story about Epik hosting Gab as the highest popularity story result for "Epik" in the date range Jan 8th 2018 to Dec 30th 2019 (HN search is weird about date ranges and wouldn't let me do 1st to 31st). Largely agreed however it's possible to be angry at 2 parties at the same time and it's typical that every site at the butt end of a hack is found to have bad security (hence the hack) so it's not going to get the same reaction boost for commenting as hackers leaking some of HN's non-fascist members private info out of "altruism".Įpik started hosting Gab in 2018 (introducing "free speech" as a part of their marketing allegedly following the Gab move ) and BitChute and 8chan in 2019 (although they stopped hosting 8chan after some of their own upstream providers cut them off or threatened to do so they may have continued to provide DNS, but I haven't tried to verify this since providing services to the far right on the down low wouldn't count as part of their marketing).Įxternal criticism from prominent publications and organizations of Epik for its hosting of far-right sites also dates back at least as far as early 2019. Unsalted md5 in 2021 is just inexcusable at this point and I’m doubtful this kind of hack took any skill at all given the complete lack of security they employed. > I don’t know anything of Epik before this hack, but to me it’s clear that it was only a matter of time for Epik, and people should be mad at Epik. The hackers here explicitly think what they were doing is good hence the extra reaction saying wait, this is certainly not white hat hacking.

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They knew what they were doing was wrong they just found it funny - there is no need comment how the hackers are bad when they go around saying they are in the leak. They didn't do it claiming to be white nights they actually called out white hat hackers as corrupt. > The dump is completely reminiscent of 4chan/Anonymous hacktivists as well.Ĥchan/Anonymous weren't normally "hacktivists". That's not to say there isn't also a lot of meme refencing and lulz involved as well just the hactivism "we're the good guys" isn't typical even when filtering to just the 4chan/Anonymous style hacks. Check the incident list on haveibeenpwned for example most of these are self admitted black hatters or criminal gangs, not hacktivist groups. That the first thing that came to mind is a hacking group which disbanded a decade ago is a hint what you're describing is atypical considering these kinds of hacks are constant.

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What makes this hack different from the Sony leak by lulzsec and the other high profile hacks by the various lulz copycats 5 - 10 years ago?

Deluge client leaks hack download